Due to the holidays and staffing, there will only be Junior Flex classes in December from 12/1-12/15. There will not be any classes in January, but classes will resume on Feb. 1. If you wish to enroll for just December, do not pay until Dec. 1 or you will be charged when you enroll and again on Dec. 1. If you want to sign up for February, wait until Feb. 1 or later to pay for the same reason. If you have any questions, please email Trish Hinze at doi@tildenparkgc.com.
Step 1:
Select the “Buy Now” button for your plan of choice and complete your registration using your child’s name for the registration. Contact info such as cell #s and email should be the parent’s contact info.
After completing your Junior Flex Plan registration, go to “Schedule Now” to access Smarter Lessons and the Junior Flex schedule. If you do not have a Smarter Lessons log in, you will need to create one in order to register for individual classes. Again, please use your child’s name to register on Smarter Lessons and the parent’s email and cell # for contact info.
Step 3:
The Junior FLEX Program is billed monthly every month on the 1st until cancelled. We recommend if you are new or re-signing up, that you sign-up as close to the 1st of the month as possible.
Once you have signed up and paid for the Junior FLEX Program follow this link to register in Smarter Lessons and book your classes:
Students are advised to check their email in case a class is cancelled for any reason.
Tilden Park Golf Course gives the player a hint of what they will experience once they arrive at the course.
Tilden Park Golf Course, an East Bay Regional Park District Facility
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